Fistula Care & Fistula Care Plus

PROJECT: Web site, digital archive, DVD

ROLE: Web producer, programmer, art director, designer

The Fistula Care and Fistula Care Plus projects focused on treating, repairing, and preventing obstetric fistula. Although this condition has all but disappeared from the U.S., it remains common in the poorer parts of the world, with dramatic negative effects on women. These projects were funded by USAID and managed by EngenderHealth.

All of the digital assets for FC/FC+ have been produced by my team. This includes the web site, a Digital Stories DVD, and the project’s extensive Digital Archive: an HTML-based CD-ROM repository of all materials produced by the FC project in its five years. Although the Archive is available online, the CD-based version was designed to be run offline, for use in corners of the world that lack reliable Internet access. Both the web site and the Archive are bilingual, available in both English and French.

The current Fistula Care Plus web site is a custom WordPress theme. The Digital Archive is simplified HTML and CSS, and the CD version features a JavaScript-based search function.

<b>Web site</b>
Web site
<b>Digital Archive</b>
Digital Archive